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White Hat - Dragon Dawn Productions - First Impressions

With Arcs bringing trick taking back to everyone's attention, even though it isn't a trick taking game but more of an auction type card bidder, (and I will fight you all in the car park for saying its a trick taking game.) Games like White Hat, that are more like real trick taking games, are worth a look see, just to show you what a trick taking game actually is. White Hat revolves around the world of ethical hacking and just like cyber security, it offers layers in complexity the more you dive in.  First things first, White Hat offers a base level which you could quite comfortably sit down and play with a family of younger players, as you navigate the internet super highway as some kind of ethical hacker trying to reach the goal of the critical asset. The unboxing of the game gives the impression that you're about to get into something heavy and complicated, but it's more like a Lego set, where the extra rainbow coloured pieces are there for when you understand the bas

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