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Safety Guide To Buying Board Games Online

  The main article can be found on Whether you're an active player looking for that next hot board game, or a collector looking to fill a gap on the shelf. There's so many different ways to purchase games that it can be confusing. Sometimes chasing that 'must have' can put you into the potential situation of being scammed out of your cold hard cash for card board. You want to buy from the right sellers and avoid refunds and returns.  Here's a simply guide to keep your bank account safe and your collection full. Online Websites RULE ONE - Stick to the sites you know, unless they come recommended by several peers. If you're a member of a local gaming group, Facebook Group or Tabletop Discord, it's worthwhile  asking your friends and fellow gamers if they've heard of the site you've been checking out. If they have doubts, then consider leaving well alone. The tabletop website

Mechanica Board Game Review - Resonym

  I like a little bit of quirky. Quirky is like gluten free soy sauce in a chicken and mushroom stir fry. Put the right amount of soy sauce in a dish and watch it sing. Watch it bring out all the main intended flavours and make you feel like you can cook anything. You sit there proud at the dinner table as you see satisfied taste buds and tummies. Add too much and it becomes a chore to eat. All the tastes and textures are there, but everything becomes a chore to chomp through. Soy sauce is the very definition of overdoing and trying too hard. Quirky can be fun, but too much quirky is like biting your toenails after six months of leaving them to grow. Mechanica from Resonym tries to walk that tightrope, juggling soy sauce and dealing with overgrown toenails in an analogy that at this point has really just gone too far.  Overview In Mechanica, you're the owner operator of a Tidybot factory trying to increase your production rate and make the most money. Mechanica is an engine buildin

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