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Showing posts with the label Indiana Jones - Sands of Adventure - Funko Games - Board Game Review.

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Safety Guide To Buying Board Games Online

  The main article can be found on Whether you're an active player looking for that next hot board game, or a collector looking to fill a gap on the shelf. There's so many different ways to purchase games that it can be confusing. Sometimes chasing that 'must have' can put you into the potential situation of being scammed out of your cold hard cash for card board. You want to buy from the right sellers and avoid refunds and returns.  Here's a simply guide to keep your bank account safe and your collection full. Online Websites RULE ONE - Stick to the sites you know, unless they come recommended by several peers. If you're a member of a local gaming group, Facebook Group or Tabletop Discord, it's worthwhile  asking your friends and fellow gamers if they've heard of the site you've been checking out. If they have doubts, then consider leaving well alone. The tabletop website

Indiana Jones - Sands of Adventure - Funko Games - Board Game Review.

Dum dah dump dum, dum dah dum, dum dah dump dum, dum DAH DUM DUM DUHHHM.. You may not mean to, but as soon as you looked at the title and as soon as you started reading the sentence above, there's a chance it magically turned into a theme tune of one of the most iconic film series of all time. Indiana Jones is part of my childhood, from watching Raiders of the Lost Ark at primary school, with some fairly naive teachers who obviously hadn't watched the film to its face melting conclusion. To much maligned Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which I still watched with much enjoyment regardless of the aliens. One thing I've always wondered is firstly why the eminent archaeologist had never been committed to cardboard before that I can remember, and secondly, how the devil do you even begin to do it without causing the inevitable wailing and gnashing of teeth from the well established fan base. In Sands of Adventure, you distill it down to some of the things Indiana Jones is known fo

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