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The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls - Card Game Review

The Binding of Isaac is a hugely successful videogame, and thanks to two extremely lucrative crowdfunding efforts that netted around $8 million, you could argue that its a highly successful card game as well. The videogame fits almost too perfectly into begin turned into cardboard, with its roguelike genetics being suited to the randomness of dungeon crawler, variable bonuses and and player powers sitting well within the tabletop realm. There's around eighty thousand people who have some kind of variation of the tabletop game. So surely its extremely good because well funded games are always amazing, aren't they.  I'm approaching this as someone who is away from the hype canoe sailing down the river rapids of marketing and excitement and so this is probably going to be dull in comparison. I'm also someone who is a fan of the game, and has spent many an hour running around randomly generated dungeons of blood and filth.  For those unfamiliar with the videogame, you play

Cartographers Board Game Review - Thunderworks Games

There's something rather endearing about allowing someone to put their particular stamp on a board game. In most of the games I've played, players follow a set path, with set rules, and even when it is open to interpretation then there's normally a lack of available individuality. You can put your own little twist on things, but it will always be within the confines of what tools the designers have given you. Then you come to the beauty of the roll and write genre, where the story might end up being the same, but when you look at the interpretations, it can often tell its own little story about the players. In Thunderworks Cartographers by Jordy Adan set in the Roll Player universe, you can just imagine what ends up being scrawled and neatly scribbled on each of the pads.  Overview Cartographers is a Roll and Write game. In this genre of game generally players are all fed the same information and then must decide on their own player sheet how to use that information and add

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