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The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls - Card Game Review

The Binding of Isaac is a hugely successful videogame, and thanks to two extremely lucrative crowdfunding efforts that netted around $8 million, you could argue that its a highly successful card game as well. The videogame fits almost too perfectly into begin turned into cardboard, with its roguelike genetics being suited to the randomness of dungeon crawler, variable bonuses and and player powers sitting well within the tabletop realm. There's around eighty thousand people who have some kind of variation of the tabletop game. So surely its extremely good because well funded games are always amazing, aren't they.  I'm approaching this as someone who is away from the hype canoe sailing down the river rapids of marketing and excitement and so this is probably going to be dull in comparison. I'm also someone who is a fan of the game, and has spent many an hour running around randomly generated dungeons of blood and filth.  For those unfamiliar with the videogame, you play

Angel Investor Card Game Review - Inductive Bias LLC

Angel Investor is a card game about running successful start ups using your own money and skill cards, completing projects and aiming to build up as much fame as you can before the deck of cards runs out. Published by Inductive Bias and designed by Alrecenk, it combines a mixture of business intelligence and information with cute cartoon like graphics to bring a combination of luck and strategy to the table. Players aim to play as many of their money cards into a project row in order to have the most money invested in the project to win fame. On the completion of a project all the skills cards within that row will be activated and awarded to the player who has invested the most money within that row. Some of the completed cards will award you with that much required fame. Others will reward you with the ability to swap out cards or draw more cards, effect other players and generally give you an advantage the more your play. That's dry isn't it. I mean, I had to take a

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