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Monster Hunter World - Ancient Forest - Steamforged Games - Review

After ignoring the platform for what seems like the longest time, I've been slowly reacquainting myself with the Board Game Arena and all the various digitised joy that it brings. It has a strange mix of simple games translated almost just component to component to screen, to the bigger more crunchier affairs. Your Earths and Ark Nova's, Carnegie and City of the Big Shoulders, where now all the housekeeping and number crunching is done behind the scenes and it's relatively impossible to make an illegal move but at the same time still play a game and have absolutely not the first clue about how the game plays. It's highlighted to me that some games need to be tactile to work, and that other games that see a mass of calculations and numbers are actually extremely shallow affairs, where the working out of wins and loss was all part of the fun.  It's a world away from what Steamforged Games have been trying to achieve over the last eight years, with their various forays

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