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S9 Ep 539 Christmas Stuffing Part Two: Board Games

https://open.spotify.com/episode/282wl4enJF9cVavpi1QWf1?si=ouXVqj2oQYO8IG8krKz9UQ So you've had the Christmas stocking of nonsense, and now you're under the tree, downstairs and look at the pile of Audio presents that we've brought you to listen to.. 1:00 Airecon West - ⁠ https://acwest.airecon.co.uk/ ⁠ 3:00 BloodStones - ⁠ https://www.wallacedesigns.com.au/home/games/bloodstones/ ⁠ 10:00 Loke battlemats ⁠ https://www.lokebattlemats.com/ ⁠ 13:00 Agent Avenue ⁠ https://nerdlab-games.com/games/agent-avenue/ ⁠ 16:00 Bad Company ⁠ https://www.aportagames.com/lesson/bad-company/ ⁠ 18:00 Duel for Middle Earth ⁠ https://www.rprod.com/en/games/duel-for-middle-earth ⁠ 22:00 Castle Combo ⁠ https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/416851/castle-combo ⁠ 23:00 Courtisans ⁠ https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/402283/courtisans ⁠ 29:00 Andromedas Edge ⁠ https://cardboardalchemy.com/andromedas-edge/ ⁠ 34:00 Expansions 36:00 Oath...

The Biden Drop Out Shane Gillis Look Alike Eating Food at The Other Place Episode

As we find out about Biden deciding to drop out of the Presidential Race while we record. We chat about conspiracy theories, Moon landings, Cartman. The shocking realisation that Luke has the Comedian Shane Gillis as a doppelganger.

We then wonder how dangerous Mrs. Sunak is, why COVID isn't great but why BGA is and why Richard plays a press and hope when playing. Then we talk about the following games.

Games we played



Imperial Miners



Slay the Spire


The Fish Tales Pinball Game

Six Siege from Mythic Games. - No chance putting a link for this.

What we want to play

GKR Heavy Hitters, God Tear, Dwellings of Eldervale.


The End of the Line https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fightinabox/end-of-the-line-post-apocalyptic-family-survival-2nd-ed

The Fortress of Nazemoor https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/elzra/catacombs-fortress

Eating and Playing

The Other Place - https://www.facebook.com/p/The-Other-Place-Fife-61553915754468/

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