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Safety Guide To Buying Board Games Online

  The main article can be found on Whether you're an active player looking for that next hot board game, or a collector looking to fill a gap on the shelf. There's so many different ways to purchase games that it can be confusing. Sometimes chasing that 'must have' can put you into the potential situation of being scammed out of your cold hard cash for card board. You want to buy from the right sellers and avoid refunds and returns.  Here's a simply guide to keep your bank account safe and your collection full. Online Websites RULE ONE - Stick to the sites you know, unless they come recommended by several peers. If you're a member of a local gaming group, Facebook Group or Tabletop Discord, it's worthwhile  asking your friends and fellow gamers if they've heard of the site you've been checking out. If they have doubts, then consider leaving well alone. The tabletop website

Guardian's Call Board Game Review - Druid City Games / Skybound Games

I was in the process of checking some emails on my phone, when a plate was gently placed in front of me. I looked at it in a moment of complete shock and surprise as the person serving my food leaned over towards me, and gently lit the small wire poking out the top of the gluten free sandwich. At the same time, they thrust a set of sunglasses onto to my slightly panicked face, they exclaimed that they were 'delighted to present me with the middle meal of my day' and 'hoped it sated my appetite'. I ushered them away angrily before they started to sing their celebration song only because I would join in. I don't need music at 11.47am on a Tuesday morning, unless the car roof is down, and I'm wailing some horrific pop tune from the 90's at the top of my voice. Not even my fellow diners with their cups of earl grey tea, and ten inch high gateaux, deserved such a horrific audio death. I sat in silence and waited for the sandwich to extinguish itself in a tired

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