We occasionally like to look at gift ideas that exist in the tabletop space and would work well in a group that is more used to playing lighter and less complicated games. Movie Scene It! is such a game.
Scene It? Is a well known series of mainstream board games that were some of the first to incorporate a fully electronic interactive part to the game play. Movie Scene It was often packaged with a DVD so you could interact with the game through the remote control. Nowadays, there's a phone and tablet app and website that will allow you to stream directly to you screen of choice including Smart TVs. You only need to set up an account and have a compatible device to get Movie Scene It up and running.
Main Play
Move Scene It follows the much aligned but classic roll and move mechanic. For those who have stepped into the modern board game arena might consider it as dull and crass, but you can guarantee that everyone in the room is ging to be familiar with the concept. Movie Scene is designed for family get togethers, rainy Sunday afternoons at your Aunt's house, or the Holiday get togethers with old friends who simply laugh at your nerdy type hobby.
Your aim is to traverse your high quality movie themed metal trinket around the board by rolling two dice which decide the category of question and how many spaces you move on getting the question right. Get all the way to the end of the trail and you can consider yourself the outright winner with bragging rights over everyone
Movie Scene It is a wasting an afternoon, post big meal, no big rush kind of game. It's very much going to be based on the number of players and how well they know their movie trivia, so anywhere for 30 minutes to a couple of hours will see the game being played and the credits rolling.
Overall the game on the table is well produced, solid and absolutely what to be expected in a standard main stream boardgame. I wish I could say the same for the app used for playing videos and questions. It's prone to freezing on occasion and sometimes goes through spates of repeating questions during a session if you are looking at playing it with higher player counts. Currently the app store reviews aren't very favourable. Maybe the developers could spend some time showing the application a little bit of love.
Who's Going To Like It
Movie Scene It! is fine. It's a good little family entertainment package for those who like quizzes and some of the questions are obscure enough to keep the most ardent film buff on their toes. At the same time, it seems to definitely be focused on a set time period and misses a lot of modern films out there.
Don't go into it expecting to have something that will hit the table again and again and you won't be disappointed. It's for the mainstream crowd that don't have very much more than the expected staples in their collection. It's the kind of game you expect your Aunt to own, or a friend who makes the same 'Like Monopoly?' joke every time you mention modern board games. It's maybe just not for me, but that's ok.
The majority of the games that we are play are going to take a reasonable number of sessions and playthroughs to fully understand every possibility that they offer. We hope this write up gives you an idea of whether or not this game is something that you will consider playing or even add to your collection.
Even if we don't like something, hopefully it helps you to decide if it is something that you should find out more about. We always suggest you check out a gameplay video to give you a better understanding of the game as it is played.
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