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Isle of Cats Duel Review - The City of Games

If the current explosion in the 'Duel' range of games proves anything, it is that games truly shine when designers are honest about what player count they want their game to be played to. It's entirely expected for a publisher who wants their product to appeal to as many players as possible, to label everything as suitable from 1 to 6 players when the truth is that the solo variant is an eleventh hour addition to a game that is nothing more than a score attack, and anything over 4 players results in a game that lasts well beyond the expected 60 to 90 minute playtime.  If anything the Duel games force the designer to be ruthless with their creation, cutting down their larger beast down to something leaner and concentrate on what concepts give this games its identity. The Isle of Cats Duel looks at taking the highly successful family game from Frank West and his team, and distils it down into two players as they take turns in trying to rescue various types of multi-coloured f...

S9 Ep 539 Christmas Stuffing Part Two: Board Games


So you've had the Christmas stocking of nonsense, and now you're under the tree, downstairs and look at the pile of Audio presents that we've brought you to listen to..

01:22:00 Battalion https://www.ospreypublishing.com/uk/battalion-war-of-the-ancients-9781472861894/

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