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Fractured Sky Board Game First Impressions - IV Games

As a starter for ten, it wouldn't be entirely wrong to describe the deluxe version of Fractured Sky as excessive, and if you were wanting to twist the knife further you might even choose the word decadent. It's a showboat of a game, a carnivalé of bright colours and plastic and everything that pushes me to be very sarcastic indeed. I've probably used the term before, but in Scotland we have the phrase 'Fur Coat, nae knickers' which alludes to something flashy and opulent that lacks any sense of real class. Fractured Sky is potentially the most deluxified version of a game I've got to the table and so thank goodness it's actually wearing a decent pair of boxers underneath this plastic exterior.   Fractured Sky looks like something that would feel at home in a Willy Wonka factory or in an episode of 'Is It Cake?'. The cubes look like candy that you would expect to turn into fruity flavours of bubble-gum after a few chews, the various ships look like th

Nathan Thornton - Stormchaser Games - Podcast Interview

Joined by Nathan Thornton from Stormchaser Games to chat about party games and wallpaper and selling your work in bookshops but it not being a book. I had the best time chatting with him. 

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